Saturday, November 21, 2009

Number of working U.S. oil rigs jumps to year's highest, Baker Hughes says

Drilling - The number of oil rigs operating in the U.S. this week jumped 8.7 per cent to the highest this year, according to data published by Baker Hughes Inc.

Oil rigs gained 29 to 361, the largest number of rigs added since Nov. 7, 2008, the same week the count peaked at 442, Baker Hughes said Friday on its website. Natural gas rigs declined by six, pulling the overall U.S. oil and gas rig count up 23, or 2.1 per cent, to 1,101, the highest since March.

The number of oil rigs has increased for nine consecutive weeks as futures prices traded near the year's highs. Futures touched a one-year high of $82 US a barrel on Oct. 21 on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

Texas, the state with more oil and gas rigs than any other, added 25 rigs, or 6.1 per cent, to 432.

Natural gas rigs fell by six, or 0.8 per cent, to 728, Baker Hughes said. The count is down 55 per cent from a peak of 1,606 on Sept. 12, 2008.

Gas for December delivery fluctuated, rising 0.3 per cent to $4.373 per million BTU at 2 p.m. on the NYMEX.

Canadian rigs added 30, or 13 per cent, to 263, the highest since March.

This is an extract from Edmonton Journal at

Sunday, October 25, 2009

US natural gas rig count climbs 4 to 725 for week

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The number of rigs drilling for natural gas in the United States climbed by four this week to 725, according to a report on Friday by oil services firm Baker Hughes in Houston.
The U.S. natural gas drilling rig count has gained in 12 of the last 14 weeks after bottoming at 665 on July 17, its lowest level since May 3, 2002, when there were 640 gas rigs operating.

But the rig count is still down sharply since peaking above 1,600 in September of last year, standing at 804 rigs, or 53 percent, below the same week in 2008.

Many gas producers have been forced to scale back drilling operations with credit still tight and natural gas prices around $5 per million British thermal units (mmBtu), down more than 60 percent from July 2008 highs above $13.

The steep declines in drilling this year have started to slow production and tighten supplies, but most traders agreed it has not been enough yet to offset record high inventories and steep recession-related cuts in demand, particularly from the industrial sector. (Reporting by Joe Silha; Editing by Lisa Shumaker)

Monday, October 19, 2009

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Saturday, October 17, 2009

Jackup Drilling Rigs for Sale

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Jackup Drilling Rigs for sale, Used Jackup rigs for sale, Jackup rigs: "For sale - Offshore self elevated Platform, Multi purposes Jack Up Barge"

U.S. natural gas rig count falls 5 to 721

The number of rigs drilling for natural gas in the United States fell by five this week to 721, according to a report on Friday by oil services firm Baker Hughes in Houston.
The U.S. natural gas drilling rig count has risen in 11 of the past 13 weeks but is still 816 rigs below the 1,537 rigs drilling in same week last year.

The number of rigs peaked above 1,600 in September 2008. During the week ended July 17, 2009, the natural gas rig count slipped to 665, its lowest level since May 3, 2002, when there were 640 gas rigs operating.

Tighter access to credit and a 70 percent slide in natural gas prices over the past 15 months to below $4 per mmBtu forced many producers to scale back gas drilling operations.

The steep declines in drilling this year have started to slow production and tighten supplies, but most traders agreed it has not been enough yet to offset record high inventories and steep recession-related cuts in demand, particularly from the industrial sector. (Reporting by Edward McAllister; Editing by Walter Bagley)

This is an extract from Reuters at

Oil & Gas Marketplace

Oil & Gas Equipment Marketplace

Monday, September 21, 2009

Iraqi drilling rigs resume work in joint oil fields with Iran and Kuwait

By Fatima Kamal

Azzaman, September 19, 2009

Iraqi drilling rigs have resumed work in joint oil fields with both Iran and Kuwait, an Oil Ministry official said.

“Iraq calls on both countries to open a dialogue to draw an agreement in order to secure the rights of each party,” said Assem Jihad, the ministry’s spokesman.

He said Iraqi rigs were sent to areas jointly owned by the countries but “the move is purely to assert how best to utilize Iraqi share,” he said.

The Oil Ministry, he added, has established a commission “to pursue border demarcation in coordination with other Iraqi ministries.”

He said Iraq has already notified both Iran and Kuwait of its move “and the government still awaits their response.”

Asked what Iraq would do if the countries response was negative, he said: “So long as the oil wells are inside our territory, we have the right to develop them.”

However, he said, developing joint fields “should be a means for rapprochement with neighboring states and not a reason for troubles.”

This is an extract from

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Petrobras Orders 28 Drilling Rigs from Brazilian Shipyards

Petrobras, the Brazilian state-controlled oil and gas multinational, should commission from Brazilian shipyards 28 new drilling rigs that may be also used in subsalt layer exploration. The strategy for purchasing the equipment was passed by the Board of Executives of the company, according to information disclosed by the company.

The enterprise should generate more than 40,000 direct and indirect jobs. The 4 billion reais (US$ 2.1 billion) in funding should come from the Guarantee Fund for Naval Construction. The beginning of the units' commissioning process is scheduled to take place before the end of the month, with delivery due from 2013 to 2018.

Petrobras is looking into modalities of financing to make access to credit easier for the Brazilian suppliers that are going to manufacture the rigs.

Just last week Petrobras announced one more oil and natural gas discovery in the pre-salt layer in Santos Basin. According to the company press statement, the discovery was made at reservoir BM-S-9, after the drilling of a well informally named Abaré Oeste.

The area is explored by Petrobras, which operates the block with 45% participation in a consortium with BG Group (30%) and Repsol (25%).

According to the state-owned oil company, activities should proceed and necessary investment should be made in accordance with the Assessment Plan approved by the National Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuel Agency (ANP).

According to Petrobras, the reservoir is located in the evaluation area of Well 1-SPS-50 (Carioca), some 290 kilometers off the coast of the State of São Paulo at a depth of 2,163 meters from the water line. This is the fourth well drilled in block BM-S-9. All of them proved the existence of hydrocarbons.

The company added that Bloco BM-S-9 includes two areas for evaluation: the well denominated Guará and the one named Carioca.

"The discovery was proved by means of a sampling made from reservoirs located at a depth of approximately 5,150 meters. Further analyses are being made with the samples for a better characterization of the oil that was found," according to the company.


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Baker Hughes: US Oil, Gas Rig Count Up 11 To 1,010 This Week

HOUSTON (Dow Jones)--The number of rigs drilling for oil and natural gas in the U.S. climbed this week as producers put some rigs back to work amid expectations for higher prices.

The number of oil and gas rigs rose to 1,010, up 11 rigs from the previous week, according to data from oil-field services company Baker Hughes Inc. (BHI). The number of gas rigs was 705, an increase of six rigs from last week, while the oil rig count was 293, an increase of five rigs. The number of miscellaneous rigs was unchanged at 12 rigs.

The number of gas rigs in use peaked at 1,606 in September 2008. Producers have scaled back natural gas drilling over the past several months amid falling prices, but the gas rig count has begun to stabilize as producers bet on a rebound in prices. Natural gas prices have fallen by more than 70% from their highs last summer above $13 a million British thermal units.

Natural gas supplies remain strong, but analysts expect the sharp decline in drilling activity over the last year will eventually bring supply back in line with demand, bolstering gas prices.

Natural gas for October delivery on the New York Mercantile Exchange was recently up 19.7 cents, or 5.7%, at $3.655 a million British thermal units.

-By Jason Womack, Dow Jones Newswires; 713-547-9201;

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